
North London installion of an Art Nouveau railing for a private client. This was a lot of fun to make and a real test of patience and accuracy because so little was straight forwards. Just the way I like my work – a challenge!

Here the client's property is situated inside a local vineyard, so a stylised grape vine was a natural design step. All forged out with the gas forge and my Massey and then all fire-welded together this was a lot of fun to make!!!

One hand rail made and installed for a local client. I've made use of traditional joinery to bring a bit of life to an otherwise fairly utilitarian piece.

A day of on site finishing of the installation of this lovely run of railing. Deliberately quite fine as per clients request with two clematis vines growing up and over the railing. Blue is not a common colour for railing but it works well in gardens as it mixes with the greens of summer, Oranges reds and yellows of Autumn and brings colour to the garden in winter. Loads of mortise and tending present here along with a TON of fire-welding.

This morning was all go on site, fitting 10m of balustrade by lunch. A simple fabricated frame but plenty of fun fire welding up all the s scrolls and forging all the collars. Im not a mad fan of scrolls and twists so i have taken the less is more approach, simple but elegant was the plan!

Fitted on the lead up to Christmas was this set of railing panels for a clients mobile home in Tonbridge.

Fitted for a client was this light well surround made to match other ironwork on site. Hot punched holes as per originals on site and small locking wedges used to hold the frame together.

Here we have a set of 4 scroll panels for a private client that wanted to go above and beyond having a simple handrails. Plenty of forged scrolls, a lovely shadow rail for the top rail and a well considered composition.

A lovely job for a lovely local client. Plenty of forging and riveting to bring the oak sapling to life. This method of riveting a plant together is an alternative method to fire welding and gives a light industrial feel to the piece. plenty of traditional forging on this along with acorns fire welded onto each upright of the railing.

One of the larger jobs we made during the summers heatwave madness. All scaled up from ironwork on site and made to our high tolerances of accuracy. The installation here was very different than normal. Steel pins were welded onto the structural steels before the balcony was made and the railing has been bolted to timber under the fiberglass roof. All very concerning from an installation perspective but everything went without a hitch.

We offer a range of services which also include fabrication services such as the railing seen here where we make work using pre-made components. This short run of railing is located locally in Tunbridge Wells.